5 Essential tips for Aspiring Influencers in India

Choosing a career path in India is tough, especially if it is as unconventional as a YouTuber or an Influencer! The Indian society is gradually becoming more modern & accepting yes, but starting a career as an Influencer can still seem a bit intimidating.

And if you are lucky to have a supportive family and friends, then finding the right courses, the right strategies, and the right guidance can be another challenge. 

On the sunny side, it’s yesteryear news that only celebrities can be popular. Now, thanks to the advent of social media networks, everyone has access to a wide range of audiences. It’s not easy to build a loyal audience, yes, but the opportunity is available for each one of us!

In this blog, we will share 5 important tips for aspiring Influencers in India to shine in their Influencer journey!

1.Have your own base! 

“In the information age, build a website before you build a workspace.” -Amit Kalantri

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Having your own website can help you to expedite your Influencer journey, even when you have accounts on all social media channels. On your website, you will have control over your branding and it’s a big boost for your credibility as well.

Social media is very dynamic and there are new updates almost every day. Also, these networks have full control over your account, which means they can delete your account at any point in time without any prior warning or can prohibit you from promoting your other channels. We are not saying it will happen for sure, but let’s be prepared for the worst!

On the brighter side, It’s pretty easy and inexpensive to create your website these days. You don’t even need a full-fledged website, you can create your one-pager portfolio. It’ll be your permanent base where your audience can find you anytime and you can be as creative as you like!

2. Invest in learning new skills!

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”.  -Benjamin Franklin

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It’s great if you have an inherent talent to attract an audience, but relying only on your talent won’t take you far. Being an Influencer is much more than that. You must be prepared to invest in learning new skills and tools. After all, being an Influencer is a serious career, not just another hobby.

Social media is competitive and you will have to wear multiple hats to set yourself apart from the competition (at least in the beginning). Apart from video shooting/ editing, content writing & managing your audience, you should also understand analytics, time management, project management and research. These skills are going to be extremely helpful in the long-term.

There are plenty of short-term online courses available on platforms, such as Coursera and Udemy. Apart from skills, don’t shy away from investing in good tools & equipment too. A good camera can make a huge difference in your video production quality. Don’t worry, think of the ROI while you are investing in these skills. 

3. Following trends is good, but nothing beats classic!

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Don’t let social media “trends” drive your decisions. Yes, you’ll gather tons of immediate attention quickly if you follow the trends but that will be short-lived. Don’t focus on going viral, it has become pretty random these days and mostly you don’t need any talent for that.

Here’s what you should focus on instead. Have a point of view and trust your instincts. There will be times when you will be tempted by these trends or intimidated by your competition but if you have clarity about what you believe in, then it’ll be easy to remain focused.

Always remember why you started your Influencer journey in the first place and what makes your audience trust you. There are plenty of Influencers who lost their followers at the peak of their careers because of these temptations. 

4. Know what your audience likes!

“It takes months to find a customer. Seconds to lose one!” -Vince Lombardi

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It’s crucial to monitor your content analytics and strategize based on what your audience likes. Look carefully at the posts which are getting maximum clicks, likes and shares. This is the type of content your audience enjoys and expects more of from you.

Creating content based on past performance will help you in creating the type of content that speaks to your audience and can create a bond between you. This will ultimately allow you to create a community of users that believe in you.

It’s important to not get distracted by what other creators are publishing. Yes, it’s good to keep an eye on competition but replicating their ideas won’t take you anywhere. Customer is THE king. 

5. Focus on networking online AND offline!

“Your network is your net worth”. -Porter Gale

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A lot of budding Influencers tend to miss out on this important aspect. Along with engaging with your audience online by replying to their comments, conducting polls, asking for their suggestions, etc. you should also focus on networking offline. 

There are several different ways to network offline. Lookout for any event or conferences happening and don’t shy away from emailing the organizers to let you join. 

Networking doesn’t only mean connecting with the audience, it’s great to connect with other Influencers as well and these events will give you an opportunity to meet other Influencers. It’s a competitive space and keeping good relations with other Influencers will help you in long run.

Another aspect is networking with agencies that handle Influencers. It’s a bit difficult to find the right brands to partner with. There’s a lot of work involved, right from researching the brands, approaching them, sharing competitive pricing, partner with them, maintain the partnership, etc. That’s why it’s way more convenient to simply partner with an agency that can manage all this for you. 

So these were our 5 key tips you must keep in mind if you are an aspiring Influencers. Hope you found them useful.

Feel free to contact us if you are looking for an agency to partner with! We can provide you an opportunity to monetize your outreach by partnering with the best brands in your niche.